Such lovely, sweet people !
The 25th of March our daughter Valerie and her Abby came to visit us. JOY !
During our drive to show the island, one stop was to see a cement German bunker - one of many which were built on Guernsey during the W.W.II German Occupation.
Walking in the beauty of Candie Gardens, we got to see a Blue Heron up close...
Off to London with them, we were again at Elizabeth Tower; this time there were hundreds of flower bouquets in the fence near the gates where the terrorist attack had taken place the week before;
and on the edge of Parliament Square, which is across the street, in memory of those who had lost their life in the attack, and for the injured as well.
We toured Windsor Castle ...
and Hampton Court - where they got to put on "Royal Robes"... which actually helped them keep warm. :) ...
and went to a Natural History Museum, and the Hyde Park Chapel and Visitors Center,
just to name a few of the things we enjoyed seeing together.
A great time in London with Val and Abby.